Takoradi Technical University, TTU, has signed a memorandum of Understanding with Millersville University, MU, of Pennsylvania-USA to enhance the internationalization objectives of the two Universities.
The MoU will among other things facilitate cooperation between TTU and MU in the areas of research, joint projects, staff, faculty and student exchange programmes.

The three-year MoU which is subject to annual reviews will also ensure development of joint academic research, workshops, development of short-term, dual-degree, transfer-degree or joint-degree programmes as well as exchange of scholarly and pedagogical materials.

The Vice Chancellor of Takoradi Technical University, Rev. Prof. John Frank Eshun who signed the MoU on behalf of TTU, while stating the motivation behind the MoU said it was to concretize an already established relationship with Millersville University through its President, Dr. Daniel A. Wubah.

Rev. Prof. Eshun added that the formalized relationship with Millersville University through the MoU is critical to TTU’s internationalization agenda, therefore urged the various faculties to immediately start engaging those on the other side to make sure that the MoU yields the anticipated fruits.

On his part, the President of Millersville University, Dr. Daniel A. Wubah who led a five-member delegation from Pennsylvania-USA, to sign the MoU acknowledged the staff of TTU who initiated talks on the need for TTU to partner his institution for mutual benefits which has finally been nurtured into a binding relationship, with clearer programme of cooperation.

Dr. Wubah said Millersville was looking for opportunities to partner at the global level, and that included faculty exchange, student exchange and staff exchange.
While briefing the parties about Millersville University, Dr. Wubah said the MU has evolved to become one of the comprehensive universities in the United States of America and ranked amongst the top five universities in America when it came to Metrology and hoped TTU can start something with MU in that area.

He further pointed out that both Universities could work together in the area of Applied Engineering and other business related programmes in the field of Industrial Arts programmes.
Dr. Wubah invited management of TTU to visit Millersville University in America for better and clearer appreciation on areas to engage.

A member of the Council of Trustees for the Millersville University, Dr. Saul W. Fink, and the Registrar of TTU, Dr. Moses Maclean Abnory, both also speaking at the MoU signing expressed optimism about the collaboration, saying something positive will come out of the MOU.

Present at the signing were the Deans of TTU who took turns to brief the MU delegation on the programmes of their faculties.

Pleasantries and paraphernalia of both Universities were exchanged.