Takoradi Technical University and the University of Trinidad and Tobago have signed a three-year Memorandum of Understanding to establish a framework for collaboration to advance the mandates of the two universities.
As part of the MoU, three staff of TTU will have the opportunity to pursue PhD in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Trinidad and Tobago, which is in-line with the specific objective of the MOU to develop a framework for the advancement of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Fashion.

The two universities through the collaborative relationship established under the MoU have agreed to promote the quality of education delivered to students at the respective institutions. This is expected to be achieved through collaborative activities and exchanges among faculty, students and staff, and the sharing of teaching and laboratory facilities.
The Vice Chancellor of TTU, Rev. Prof. John Frank Eshun signed for TTU, while the President of UTT, Professor Prakash Persed signed on behalf of UTT, with the Dean of TTU’s Faculty of Engineering, Prof. John Bentil as a witness.

In furtherance of the objectives of the MOU, UTT is expected to create opportunities by which UTT staff, facilities, and equipment may be used to support TTU undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral education and research programmes, and vice versa.

The parties are duly also expected to facilitate joint use of equipment and supporting staff, following consultation and agreement among UTT and TTU management.
The 3-year MoU which is subject to review on expiry by the parties will provide opportunities for Scientists, Engineers and staff of both universities to serve as adjunct TTU faculty, following standard reviews and procedures.

Again, the MoU will facilitate UTT Scientists and Engineers to join TTU departments, units and research centres for one or two semesters to assist in TTU instructional programmes and offer special courses related to their on-going research.
Other activities to be undertaken by the parties would be joint development of Laboratories and Workshops, develop opportunities and protocols for training of TTU staff and faculty.

They are to also work cooperatively to attract distinguished national and international Scientists and Engineers of mutual interest to visiting positions at either institution.
More so, it is their plan to establish a joint post-doctoral research programme and other related courses, establish regularly scheduled, informal seminars on collaborative research and creating opportunities for exchange of students and for advanced programmes of graduate and undergraduate study jointly sponsored by and possibly located at both institutions.
Finally, Takoradi Technical University and the University of Trinidad and Tobago will create articulation agreements for the recognition of courses done at TTU which meet the academic standards of UTT’s accredited courses, as well as establish a Liaison/Contact Person from each university for the purpose of implementation of the envisaged activities in the MOU.

The University of Trinidad and Tobago is a non-profit company duly incorporated under the laws of Trinidad and Tobago as a tertiary level institution of higher learning which has training, education, research and the dissemination of knowledge as its functions.
Takoradi Technical University is however a public university providing higher education in Engineering, Science and technology-based disciplines, technical and vocational programmes, Applied Arts and other related disciplines.