In honour of his distinguished pioneering works as the first Principal of the then Takoradi Polytechnic, the governing Council of Takoradi Technical University has formerly named the University’s thousand-seater-capacity auditorium after Dr. Nicholas Aidoo-Taylor.
Dr. Taylor served as the first Principal of the then Takoradi Polytechnic from 1993 until his retirement in 2003.

As the first Principal, he is credited with spearheading the transformation of the infrastructure state of the institution, including the initiation of the ultra-modern auditorium and the B.U Campus.
Dr. Taylor’s administration also saw the introduction of programmes like Civil Engineering and Visual Arts at the Polytechnic level as well as Marketing, Purchasing and Supply, Statistics, Furniture Design and Construction, which all remain as key programmes offered at the Technical University level.

Jointly unveiling, the embossment of the now called Nicholas Aidoo-Taylor Auditorium, with the Vice Chancellor of TTU, Rev. Prof. John Frank Eshun, at a short ceremony, a member of the Governing Council of TTU, Ing. Dr. Robert Adjaye, who represented the Council praised Dr. Taylor for his leadership and however expressed the hope that the acknowledgment would inspire others to leave a lasting impact.

“we hope and pray that we are honoring the good deeds of Mr. Taylor and also those who helped him to offer this service to the university. We also hope and pray that this will serve as an example for all here to encourage us to leave some indelible mark wherever we are so that our descendants can walk in our footsteps…So I hope the family members to Mr. Taylor will appreciate what TTU is doing to honor their father, their brother, their uncle”, he said.

The Ebusuapayin and brother of Dr. Taylor on behalf of the family expressed their appreciation to the institution for honouring Dr. Taylor.
“We are very pleased to be here to represent my dear brother, Nicholas Aidoo-Taylor for the hard work he did for the school… I thank you all for honoring my brother”, he said.

Dr. Nicholas Aidoo-Taylor is also credited for mounting a vigorous staff development and recruitment that saw an increase in Senior Members from four(4) in 1993 to over fifty (50) at the end of his ten-year turner of office.