Centre for Languages and Liberal Studies

Prof. Ramos Asafo-Adjei - Centre for Languages & Liberal Studies (CELLIBS)

Prof. Ramos Asafo-Adjei (PhD), Dean


The Centre for Languages and Liberal Studies, affectionately known as CELLIBS, traces its origins to 2008, when it was established as the Department of Liberal Studies under the School of Applied Arts (SAA), now Faculty of Applied Arts and Technology (FAAT) at the Takoradi Technical University. At its inception, the department aimed to provide students with a comprehensive education that emphasized the importance of Languages and Liberal Arts including Communication Skills, Media Technology, Entrepreneurship, Research Methods, and African Studies as essential components of a well-rounded academic experience.

The Department of Liberal Studies underwent an upgrade, officially becoming CELLIBS in 2017. This transformation marked a pivotal milestone in the Centre’s history, underscoring its growing influence and impact as a multidisciplinary Centre with a strategic focus on teaching and assessment, conducting critical research and innovation, and offering consultancy services in Languages and Liberal Studies including, but not limited to, Communication Skills, Media Technology, English, French, and Chinese Language proficiency, Research Methods, Entrepreneurship, Economics, and African Studies. These services are extended to Faculties, Departments, Institutes, Centres, and Sections within Takoradi Technical University (TTU).

In addition to enhancing scholarship, CELLIBS offers critical soft-skills services, including but not limited to, critical thinking, creative problem solving, time management, and interpersonal communication as well as academic writing, design thinking and innovation, foreign language translation and editing that complement the hard-skills provided by the University.

The Centre’s Organogram

The governance structure of the Centre comprises a Dean, a Vice Dean, and three Sections: Communication and Media Studies, Social Development, and Law, each of which is led by a Sectional Head. The Deanery of the Centre is supported by two administrative staff, a Centre Administrator and Senior Administrative Assistant. The Centre’s growth has been driven by the Takoradi Technical University’s strategic compass and direction (2020-2025).

1Prof. Victor Fannam Nunfam (PhD)PhD (Society, Environmental and Occupational Health); MPhil Development studies (Environment and Development); B.Ed (Population & Health)Dean
2Dr. Dzidefo LetsaPhD (African Art & Culture); MTech (Graphic Design); BFA (Graphic Design)Vice Dean
3Mrs. Gifty Serwah MensahMPhil (Linguistics); B.A. (Linguistics & Philosophy)Head, Communications and Media Studies Section
4Dr. Emmanuel Yaw AttahPhD (Heritage Studies); M.A. (Heritage Resource); B.Ed. (Social Science)Head, Social Development Section
5Mr. Michael Asare AppiahLLM (Human Rights); B.A. Hons Bachelor of Laws (LLB); B.A. (History & Linguistics)Head, Law Section
6Mr. Francis Joe AnkumahMBA (General Management); Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants (CIAMC); Bachelor of Business Management StudiesCentre Administrator
7Ms. Grace DonkohBachelor of Education (Management)Senior Administrative Assistant

Strategic Direction of the Centre

  • Vision: To become a centre of excellence in liberal arts and multidisciplinary studies that engender social development.
  • Mission: To provide excellent language instruction, liberal education, and multidisciplinary research that cultivate soft skills and values, complementing hard skills for national and international development.

The objectives of the Centre are to:

  • Conduct high-quality local and international research to inform policy and practice.
  • Provide and disseminate knowledge in a wide range of liberal arts courses and programmes through teaching, research, and provision of community services.
  • Provide teaching in African Studies, Communication Skills, French, Chinese, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Law, Research Methods, and other disciplines across the University.
  • Develop and roll out innovative and relevant liberal arts programmes and courses to meet ever-changing social demands.
  • Facilitate sponsorships and funding support for relevant initiatives and activities including the entrepreneurial and innovative ideas of students through the TTU-iHub.
  • Establish mutually-beneficial partnerships between the University and the business/industry community at the local and international level.

The Centre’s Activities, Achievements, and Aspirations

1. Academic Growth and Innovation

Over the years, CELLIBS has expanded its academic offerings and collaborated to develop a wide range of courses including Communication Skills, African Studies, Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Research Methods for the University’s Diploma of Technology, Higher National Diploma, and Bachelor of Technology as well as Master of Technology/Master of Science Degree programmes. In addition to developing the Diploma of Technology (Communication and Media Technology) programme, CELLIBS has introduced short courses and innovative teaching methodologies, embraced emerging technologies, and promoted experiential learning via the TTU-iHuB to enhance students’ entrepreneurial education experiences. CELLIBS is also working to introduce the Higher National Diploma (Communication and Media Technology) and Bachelor of Technology (Communication and Media Technology) as well as Master of Technology (Communication and Media Technology) programmes in the foreseeable future.

2. Research and Scholarship

CELLIBS has consistently encouraged its Faculty members to engage in research and scholarship, contributing to the broader body of knowledge in the liberal arts and languages. Over the years, the Centre has initiated research and scholarship activities including the CELLIBS research seminars and workshops, open forum as well as conference. The Centre’s numerous research outputs, disseminated in high-impact and reputable local and international journals, have had a significant impact in various academic fields. Its Faculty members have gained recognition for their scholarly contributions.

3. Community Engagement and Outreach

CELLIBS has been a dedicated advocate of community engagement and outreach. It has planned and implemented various programmes and initiatives through collaborative effort with CorpNation Foundation, Duapa Werkspace, and MexxMultimedia to serve the local community and society at large. These efforts include, but not limited to:

  • Clean up campaigns.
  • Commemoration of the African Union Day.
  • Donations and charity activities.
  • Commemoration of World Environment Day.

4. Achievements and Recognition

CELLIBS has achieved notable success and recognition, including:

  • Successful planning and organisation of the Linguistics Association of Ghana (LAG) conference in collaboration with the LAG National Executive Committee.
  • Establishment of the annual CELLIBS research seminars, workshops, and open forum.
  • Introduction and commencement of six short courses in collaboration with the Institute for Distance and Continuous Education.
  • Development and implementation of the Diploma of Technology in Communication and Media Technology Programme.
  • Establishment of TTU – iHub.
  • Designing logos for the Centre and its affiliated sections.

Future Aspirations

As CELLIBS looks to the future, its commitment to academic excellence, research, community engagement, innovation, and expanding into a multidisciplinary institution of excellence in the liberal arts and social sciences is unwavering. The Centre seeks to remain at the forefront of educational trends, preparing its students to face the challenges of an ever-evolving world, especially with the emergence of AI and machine learning. CELLIBS is enthusiastic about the opportunities ahead and the positive impact it can make on education and society. Overall, the antecedents and vision of the Centre resonate with the strategic plan of the University and serve as a testament to its enduring dedication and passion for the Liberal Arts and Languages. It stands as an inspiration for the many achievements that lie ahead.

The relevant details of Senior Members across the three main sections are as follows:

1. Communications and Media Studies Section

NoNameAcademic QualificationDesignation/RankAreas of SpecialisationResearch Interest
1Prof. Ramos Asafo-Adjei (PhD)PhD English LanguageAssoc. Professor1. English Language Teaching
2. English Language Assessment and Evaluation
1. Assessment and Evaluation
2. Linguistics Landscape
3. Discourse Analysis
4. Pragmatics
2Dr. Zakpaa JacquelinePhD (Management Entrepreneurship); MSc (Management of Strategic Human Resources)Senior LecturerCommunication and Management
3Dr. Konadu Aboagye AbigailM.A (TESL)LecturerSecond Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics
4Ms. Abrefa Ama AdomaaM.A (TESL); M.A (Teacher Education)Asst. LecturerCommunication Skills, English
5Ms. Akossey MaryM.A (TESL)Asst. LecturerCommunication Skills, English
6Ms. Amofah Joyce DebrahMPhil. (TESL); M.A (TESL); M.A (HRD)LecturerCommunication Skills, English
7Mr. Bukari FrancisMPhil English and Applied LinguisticsLecturerEnglish Language
8Ms. Coker Annan WilhelminaMPhil EnglishLecturerEnglish Language
9Ms. Fosu JulianaM. Ed FrenchAsst. LecturerFrench and Communication Skills
10Ms. Graves-Smith GladysM.A Applied FrenchAsst. LecturerFrench Communication
11Mrs. Kingful PrincessMPhil English (Literature Option)Asst. LecturerCommunication Skills, Socio-Linguistics Studies
12Mrs. Mensah, Serwah GiftyMPhil (Linguistics)Senior Lecturer/HOD, Communication and Media StudiesLinguistics, Communication Skills, English
13Mr. Noye Kofi KonaduM.A (Mass Communication)LecturerMedia and Communication

2. Social Development Section

S/NNameAcademic QualificationDesignation/RankArea of SpecialisationResearch Interest
1Dr. Emmanuel Yaw AttahPhD; M.A (Heritage Studies). B.Ed. (Social Science)Senior LecturerAfrican & Heritage Studies
2Prof. Mrs. Maame Afua Nkrumah (PhD)PhD (Education), M.Sc. (Educ. Science & Tech). B.Ed. (Chemistry & Biology)Associate ProfessorQuality Assurance Measurement and Evaluation1. Quality Assurance
2. School Effectiveness
3. Gender
3Prof. Victor Fannam Nunfam (PhD)PhD (Society, Environmental and Occupational Health); M.Phil. Development Studies (Environment and Development); B.Ed. Population & HealthDean, CELLIBS/Senior LecturerEnvironmental Health1. Environmental Health
2. Occupational Health
3. Sustainable Entrepreneurship Development
4. Climate Change
5. Gender, Sexual and Reproduction Health
6. Industrial Attachment and Human Capital Development
4Dr. Mrs. Emefa Akua AmponsahPhD (Development Studies) M. Phil. (Development Studies) BA EconomicsSenior LecturerResearch Methods
5Mr. Fusheini HalawayhiM. Phil. (African Studies) B.A. (Theatre Arts with Study of ReligionsSenior LecturerAfrican Studies
6Ms. Alwyna Sackey AddaquayM. Phil. (HRM) Management M.A (HRM), B.Ed.(Social Sciences)Senior LecturerHuman Resource Management
7Mr. Hafiz AdamsMasters of Philosophy EntrepreneurshipLecturerSociology Development Studies Entrepreneurship
8Mr. Samuel Ofosu AppiahM.B.A. (Entrepreneurship & Small Scale Ent. Dev’t.) HRD), B.Sc. (Tourism)Assistant LecturerEntrepreneurship, Human Resource Management
9Mr. Ronald Osei MensahM. Phil. (Sociology) B.A. Social Science (Sociology) PDGE Social Studies MPA (Public Administration)LecturerSociology of Law and Criminal Justice, Sociology of Education & African History
10Mr. Albert Kofi WoodeAdvanced M.SC. (Government and Development) M.A. (Peace and Development Studies) Dip. (Human Resource Management) B.Ed. (Social Sciences)LecturerDevelopment Studies, African Studies
11Mr. Victor WashingtonMaster of Philosophy, Study of Religions Bachelor of Art in Theology Diploma in Christian MinistriesLecturerReligion, African Studies
12Ms. Josephine Aadwoa YeboahM. Phil Economics B. A. EconomicsAssistant LecturerLabour Economics
13Mr. Maajid Zakaria SuleimanM.Phil. Economic B.A. Economics and Sociology PDGEAssistant LecturerEconomics
14Mr. Peter YanksonBachelor of Education (Social Sciences)Assistant LecturerMedia Studies, Economics
15Ms. Emma Afua AnyanMaster of Administration in Higher Education Bachelor in Basic Education Diploma in Basic EducationJunior Assistant RegistrarAdministration

3. Law Section

S/NNameQualificationDesignation/RankAreas of Specialisation
1Michael Asare AppiahLLM, B.A. HONS, LLBSenior Lecturer/Head of SectionContract Law, Company Law, Law of Tort and Human Rights Law
2Ransford Vaclav CudjoeLLM, M.Sc. Finance & LawLecturerBusiness/Hospitality Law
3Ampem Agyei-DarkoLLM, B.A., QCL, B.L.LecturerInternational Energy Law
4Victor OwusuLLM, LLB.Assistant LecturerOil & Gas Law
5Abdul Aziz SeiduLLM, ICL, CEMBAAssistant LecturerReal Estate Law, Commercial Law



Everything that I learned at TTU really helped put me above the competition in the field of mechanical engineering.

Adwoa Koomson